
Sunday, 27 September 2015

This weeks round up...

I have had a great week doing what I love, modelling and painting and experimenting.

First up, and update to my True Scale Marines. These have been a long time in their making, the first being done close to 10 years ago. Since then I have experimented with colours, construction and different models. Even a Terminator as you can see in the first picture.

The Aspiring champion has a massive sword...I know way to big, I think I will try to replicate the design, in plasticard and replace,as seeing it here in a photo,it looks even more disproportionate.
I have never been a fan of painted guns, but I'm pleased with the white distressed look these guys have. I needed to step away from the all metallic,as the armour is accented with metallics, so it made sense, I think.
You may have noticed the checkers and shoulder markings, along with the sergeants helm here. I have tried to take inspiration from the old Rogue Trader books and artwork. These guys are after all wearing pieced together armour and ancient relics. You can also see the scale comparison here with an Imperial Guard.
A little dark, but the second heavy bolter's paint scheme is a bit clearer.
I love the de-nurglefied helm in the middle, adds a little bit of focus to the figure and a feel of other sourced technology.
Battle damaged and worn is the feel of the armour.
During the experiments I have found the terminator loose shoulders to far superior to the cast on the arm one for re-positioning and final look.
A little more work done on the Khorne sacrificial unit, the Devoveo, mainly washes and oils.
Group shot,as you can see I have moved away from the natural flesh colour, to exaggerate the feel of the sacrificed.
More Marauders in their undercoat, this unit is focussed on close combat. Lead by the dual wielding plasma pistol sergeant. He is made from the new Khone AoS Troops, a few easy snips and swaps, the remainder of the squad sports the rest of the helmets from the Khorne box.
I know not the best statistically, I think he looks great. If I was a power player I would have gone Tau...
My mid-week challenge I set myself was to paint a squad from undercoat to battle ready in a day.
Closer shot, not bad for about 6 hours total. (just the bases to wash and tidy up)

Update on the True Scale Land Raider Proteus. Two tone first layers done. Undercoat, rust, then primer and topcoat. Now the weathering really begins.

Finally, an experiment in skin tones. Not finished yet but I am happy with the progress so far. 

A little clearer to see in this picture, the purple lowlights and yellowing highlights. After the base colours are in,I will begin the weathering and oil washes, this will bring the colour backdown to more healthy colour... well thats the plan.

Sunday, 13 September 2015

And three become one...

A follow up post on the True Scale Proteus Land Raider.

Filled some of the gaps, and have reshaped the front side panels. Looking ok so far. The old kits are so much more flimsy and flexible than the new ones. As you might see the front has a bit of a kink in it, butI think I can cover this with battle damage and gubbins.

 Not very clear, but i have repurposed the interior engine plate for the back, this monster would need a massive engine, right? And I can't believe most of the time its on the inside!!!
Leaving the outer door off this side, will add some broken hinges on this side.

Rouge Trader door on this side, it fits almost perfectly:)

You can also see the tools tray i have used to fill a broken hatch, agin cant believe this is normally hidden.

There also appears to be a bit of a twist in the over all model, not sure how to fix this bar completely restarting... tips welcome.

Some more filling and filing and it will be ready for some paint.

Oh and a scale shot for DaveB:)

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

True Scale Proteus Land Raider...

I've been after a proteus for ages, but my marines are true scale so I need to make it bigger, so it was gonna be expensive....
Then a friend comes to the rescue with two part build Rogue Trader era models, giddy isn't the word, so after much umming and arring I took a blade to them, and an ebay rescue standard land raider for parts.
Here are the first shots of it, think it's going ok, and I'm excited :)

Still loads of work to do, but the fit is pretty good, ther are some angle changes to do on the sides, I'll decide if I'm going to plastic card it or green stuff closer to the end, but I'm happy :)